Hi, I’m Sherri, and I’m intimately familiar with the pain, overwhelm, and hopelessness that comes with betrayal and major life upheavals.

I started my coaching business because I have a deep-seated desire to give back to women who are going through similar challenges that I have dealt with throughout my life. As a certified life coach, a sex and intimacy coach, and a trauma practitioner – I have the training, certifications, skills, and knowledge to truly understand and help you.


A serene moment of self-reflection and healing captured in this image, symbolizing the emotional journey after betrayal. A visual reminder of the importance of self-care and inner peace.

3 Keys to Living Life After Betrayal

When you’ve been betrayed, it can feel like your world has imploded. 

There is so much fear, grief, and doubt that it can feel impossible to cope. 

It’s most important to know that you are not alone. There are other people who have gone through betrayal, and it is possible to come out on the other side. 

But what matters most in the immediate aftermath of finding out you’ve been betrayed? 

Today we’re discussing survival and coping skills (we’ll get to thriving skills later!) you need in the aftermath of betrayal. 

What to Do in Life After Betrayal

  1. Start with understanding that betrayal is an issue of trust.

No matter what circumstances led to the specific incident of betrayal, there’s a broken bond beneath the drama and tears. 

  1. Acknowledge what happened.

It’s important to face what happened and allow yourself time and space to heal from the grief and pain. Don’t expect to heal immediately, and don’t try to hide from the truth of what happened. 

  1. Create a new support system.

When you’re betrayed by the person you rely on for support, it’s important to replace that support system with someone you can trust. A guide, like a trained coach or therapist, is often the best choice immediately following betrayal. 

Betrayal is Complex

 There’s no one type of betrayal. It can look like:

  • Extramarital affairs
  • Porn addiction
  • Alcoholic or drug usage
  • Financial betrayal

If you have ever experienced betrayal, you may feel heartsick and find it difficult to complete simple tasks. 

As you begin to realize the totality of the betrayal, it is not unusual to feel emotionally paralyzed and unable to begin thinking about your next steps. 

Betrayal requires an integrative approach to healing because it impacts the emotional, spiritual, and physical dimensions of our lives.

During the initial days after the feeling of shock and disbelief subside, it is crucial to take time for yourself and develop new self-care routines. 

When I started coaching years ago, many of my initial clients sought me out for support because I have also experienced a deep sense of loss from a loved one’s betrayal. 

When I had been betrayed by someone I loved, I took solo self-care trips, near water if possible. The time away allowed me to gain perspective on what had occurred and to reset my boundaries related to the betrayal. 

Life After Betrayal Takes Work 

You won’t immediately rebound after suffering the pain of betrayal. 

It takes time to grieve, accept what happened, and heal – but you can go on to not just survive, but thrive

If you’re looking for an experienced coach who has been in your shoes and can guide you through the shock, pain, and next steps – I’d love to chat with you. 

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